Tuesday, December 2, 2008


yeah. a chair and a bed and a knife. who woulda thought anything could come out of it!? yeah, well, it did. so there!


silly rabbit, gates are for.. uh.. closing ?


1940's chic. definitely, some kind of maiden missing her love at war or something. really cute, kind of sad, forlorn. she has tons of old stuff laying around. she has a lot of history. ask her, sometime.


very phantom-y. i love ittt. anyways, i don't know, she had all this shit laying around. she is super into old stuff. so here we are.


we went down to beacon hill park and i brought my camera for some impromptu shots, and some emerged that were better than any before! we had some fun times, chasing ducks, climbing trees, and laughing. here (top) is a picture that really shouldn't have turned out so well, but did. you can't tell, but she's stuck in the tree.

this one is weird too. we were standing on the bridge and she has a nasty habit of making dumb faces when the camera is pointed at her, so at a photoshoot, i end up getting so exasperated. hahaha. so she was just looking into the distance and i just said her name and she turned and i clicked. nice.

this one emerged from, "stop sitting like you!! sit like someone else would sit! god damnit!" i am a very angry photographer. ..ok, no i'm not. i was just mad because she kept feeding the squirrels.

and thus, such a sears-y portrait. oh well. you so cuuuuuuute. :)

Sunday, August 3, 2008


hey ocean! smile! and i love youuuuu. <3

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


sooo cute!


Ocean makes faces at me.

Ultimate summer picture: Garcia. (Taken by Ocean.)

Bee has a great time.

A-Track just smiles and stuff.

A-Track, Ocean, and Bee. Enjoying the heat and the sunshine.

Ocean and Garcia

we be surreal or somethin'.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


same day. so gorgeous.


I've been meaning to shoot her for a long time. It's almost weird that I haven't since we see each other all the time.. but now that I finally have I'm sure we'll do it again. I loved it, she's so much fun. She's really great. I also did her makeup, since she never wears any, and it looked so cute. :)

Sunday, April 27, 2008


the cutest girl in the world. not even kidding. cutest girl ever. i love her! she's my wife and we are happy. :)

Friday, March 21, 2008


laying on the bed-that-is-a-floor at our semi-permanent house dwelling that was only kinda-sorta ours, we had to find ways to entertain ourselves. so of course, one option was taking pictures. she is so cute, so this went over well.

and this is me playing around in photoshop (and finding inspiration in aurelia) with chronica's see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil series of pictures, taken at the same time as the other two.


new girl. chronica is absolutely the most darling little girl ever. she is so cute, and loves so much that i love and we had so much fun. expect more from her! hoorah!


classy. she reminds me of twiggy, too. what's with all my twiggy friends? ahaha twiggy ziggy. Go Soni! she's amazingggg.


ziggy babeeee! she's wearing my corset and is way classier than i ever was. i love her so much. she's amazing.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


she is amazingly cute. that's all i can say about her. COME LET ME TAKE YOUR PICTURE AND TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!! .. or not, you know.


picture 1: hel-lo twiggy! makes me so happy. this is just a cute lil' red number that she had in her closet and wanted some pictures of. it was so cute.


so we were looking in the patch and found this fucking gorgeous dress. i tried it on first and it was amazing!! and then she, and so did she!! she had to buy it. we felt like mermaids. it was amazing. AHHH. so here is the dress. fucking yes.


lava lampin'.. i guess she loves lamp.


this girl is gorgeous. i made the pictures black and white because it seemed to suit the theme, the amy winehouse eyes, but still 40s, somehow. i love this lady. so many fun times. expect more.