Friday, March 21, 2008


laying on the bed-that-is-a-floor at our semi-permanent house dwelling that was only kinda-sorta ours, we had to find ways to entertain ourselves. so of course, one option was taking pictures. she is so cute, so this went over well.

and this is me playing around in photoshop (and finding inspiration in aurelia) with chronica's see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil series of pictures, taken at the same time as the other two.


new girl. chronica is absolutely the most darling little girl ever. she is so cute, and loves so much that i love and we had so much fun. expect more from her! hoorah!


classy. she reminds me of twiggy, too. what's with all my twiggy friends? ahaha twiggy ziggy. Go Soni! she's amazingggg.


ziggy babeeee! she's wearing my corset and is way classier than i ever was. i love her so much. she's amazing.